Thank You

Aldie, VA - As the Moulthrop for Virginia Senate campaign comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to express our deepest thanks to all the volunteer, supporters, and friends we made along the way for their incredible dedication and hard work.

Despite the results not going in our favor, your commitment to our cause has been nothing short of inspiring. From the early morning spent canvassing neighborhoods to the late nights coordinating events, your tireless efforts have played a pivotal role in the success of our campaign. Your passion and enthusiasm have not only energized our team but have also resonated with the community we aim to serve.

The impact of your work extends far beyond the tasks you’ve undertaken. Your positive attitude, unwavering support, and genuine connection with voters have left a lasting impression. You’ve been the heartbeat of our campaign, breathing life and vitality into every initiative.

I also want to express my appreciation for my family. My beautiful wife Wendy, my son Logan, and my daughter Karlie. Each of them played a critical role in supporting me. I wasn’t running for myself; I was doing this for my family and yours. If nothing else, I’m happy how much my kids were involved in this campaign. This work was for them and offered them an experience of a lifetime and look forward to them stepping up and offering them my support as future leaders!


Greg Moulthrop

Senate District 32 - Republican Nominee


Happy Memorial Day, from Moulthrop for Virginia